Land Surveying
Feature and Level Surveys
A feature and level survey provides crucial information about existing conditions for a specific area. These surveys encompass all essential information and may include buildings, structures, trees, changes in level, above-ground services, roads, footpaths and any other significant elements specific to the area of interest.
By capturing these details, an accurate representation of the area of interest can be shown in plan or Digital Format such as CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) form.
This data may provide details to allow professionals such as designers, engineers, planners, and authorities the necessary information to make an inform decision.
Neighbourhood character survey ( site analysis survey)
Title Re-establishment Survey
A Title Re-establishment survey is a survey that confirms or redefines the boundaries of a property and the relationship to existing fencing and other structures near those boundaries. It is in essence the determination of the boundaries of a property as they were intended when the property was first created. This type of survey is usually undertaken to confirm the extents of a property perhaps as part of a purchase, or to support any building on or redevelopment of the property.
You may need RE survey if :
- Purchasing a new property (older subdivisions)
- Building/ Extending close to the boundaries
- Improvements to a fence or retaining wall
- Council requirement of a detailed survey of the property
Land and Building Subdivision
Land or Building Subdivision is the process of creating individual titles for land parcels, units, and apartments, to enable their separate sale. We will guide you through the process and manage all interactions with the council, or simply provide the plans for your project.
Monitoring Surveys
Monitoring Surveys are typically carried out on development sites, where ground & structure movement is monitored. We have state-of-the-art equipment and the expertise to accurately monitor building, wall and surface movements in all directions, such as settlement, heave and lateral movements.
Adverse Possession application
A common application survey is one in support of an adverse possession claim. Adverse possession is a legal rule that enables an application to amend or gain title to land that has been continuously and exclusively enclosed and occupied by someone but is contained within the ownership of someone else. Proof of a minimum of 15 years uninterrupted and exclusive possession of the land is required. The application is made by a solicitor but requires extensive re-establishment survey and documentation to support the application.
Consolidation of Titles
Consolidation of Titles is where land contained in two or more adjacent titles is combined into a single title.